Wow it has been long since I last wrote anything here, but it is okay.
I want to just ask about updates if there is any news on the manga or anime season 2.
Also lets try to keep this wiki active it won't die.
What's on your mind?
Wow it has been long since I last wrote anything here, but it is okay.
I want to just ask about updates if there is any news on the manga or anime season 2.
Also lets try to keep this wiki active it won't die.
I'll not let die this place
Who is the sixth man of the Kuzuryu? I think Yasuhara
Again I am here to express how sad it is to just lose this precious wiki,
Back when it first started we were all happy looking for more information on daily basis just to add it here.
A bunch of us will wait for the anime episode to be released just to add some info.
there was YukiSora88 who was a legend in this wiki, someone that was really helpful helped me in learning how to develop my skills in building a wiki and especially this one cause it really means a lot.
To be honest it really hurts when you see something that you have really admired like this project get blown into dust because most of the translation sites either stop or rarely upload and even season two itself still not confirmed.
Lastly I just want to say lets keep this wiki active even if its a poll from time to time, and if anyone have any sites that have the translated version please send it Cause I tried reading the japanese one is really hard.
Thank you everyone.
6 Votes in Poll
Sad how the wiki died, back when it first started there were a ton of things to do but now there is nothing to edit waiting for the second season so that this wiki can come back.
By the way, if anyone has any fan art, crazy theories or any suggestion post them here.
17 Votes in Poll
28 Votes in Poll
26 Votes in Poll